Main Sale Announcement

Monday, 09 March 2020 16:24 Written by 

Do you love the Mycodelic Forest? Are you planning on coming to this years burn? If you said yes to either question then you should participate in Burning Man’s main ticket sale.

We still need around 20 tickets to be full force on playa so even if you are not planning to burn this year it is super important you still participate in the main sale. These tickets are really tough to get but super easy to offload. So don’t worry about getting stuck with the bill.

Registration for the main sale opens April 1st...that’s right April Fools everybody. ? The actual sale opens at Noon PST. It usually sells out in minutes so punctuality is key.

If you are participating in the main sale please let me know ASAP especially if you are an exceptionally wonderful person who is not going to use a ticket but wants to help make sure someone else gets to. This is the big one everybody let’s make it count. ??

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